1 Marquee Control 102 Scrolling Text 300 Scroll 301 Slide 302 Alternate 400 Left 401 Right 451 1 452 2 453 3 454 4 455 5 456 Infinite 703 This value must be a positive number or the word "Infinite". 1000 Auto 1002 Scrolling Text 2000 Auto 2001 Black 2002 Blue 2003 Turquoise 2004 Bright Green 2005 Pink 2006 Red 2007 Yellow 2008 White 2009 Dark Blue 2010 Teal 2011 Green 2012 Violet 2013 Dark Red 2014 Dark Yellow 2015 Gray-50% 2016 Gray-25% 2500 0x00FFFFFF 2501 0x00000000 2502 0x00FF0000 2503 0x00FFFF00 2504 0x0000FF00 2505 0x00FF00FF 2506 0x000000FF 2507 0x0000FFFF 2508 0x00FFFFFF 2509 0x00800000 2510 0x00808000 2511 0x00008000 2512 0x00800080 2513 0x00000080 2514 0x00008080 2515 0x00808080 2516 0x00C0C0C0 3000 P&roperties 3001 &Play 3002 &Stop 10001 Scroll Delay must be between 55 and 555. 10002 Scroll Amount must be between 1 and 51. 20000 You entered more than 2000 characters in your scrolling text. The text will be truncated. 20001 Warning 21000 The loop amount must be less than 2,147,483,640. 32772 Edit the properties of the scrolling text 32773 Animate the scrolling text 32774 Stop the scrolling text from animating 32776 Change the properties of the scrolling text 57344 Scrolling Text 57345 The Marquee is too large to display.